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    產品中心您的位置:網站首頁 > 產品中心 > 氣相色譜柱 > SUPELCO氣相色譜柱 > Astec CHIRALDEX G-DMSUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱
    SUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱

    Astec CHIRALDEX G-DMSUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱


    Astec CHIRALDEX G-DM SUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱





    Astec CHIRALDEX G-DM SUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱

    • CD Type: γ (gamma)
    • Derivative: Dimethyl
    • Temp. Limits: -10 °C to 200 °C (isothermal) or 220 °C (programmed)

         Incorporates a phase consisting of a 2,3-di-O-methyl-6-t-butyl silyl derivative of γ-cyclodextrin. This phase exhibits broad chiral selectivity, resolving aliphatic, olefenic, and aromatic enantiomers. This particular dimethyl phase has been devised to overlap with the applications of both the PM and PH series of columns. To date, it has shown similar selectivities with shorter retention times and greater resolution. It also has exhibited thermal stability equivalent to the PM and is, therefore, the column of choice when elution temperature of the analyte exceeds 200°C.


    • Broad chiral selectivity
    • Combines selectivity of PM and PH
    • Thermal limit to 200/220 °C
    • Short retention, high resolution
    • Beta derivative broadly applicable
    • Resolves aliphatic, olefenic and aromatic enantiomers

    Mechanism Observations:

    • Size selectivity present but not dominant as in DA
    • Fewer structural requirements
    • Characteristic temperature selectivity

    Size Selectivity:

        Size selectivity is evident; therefore, the inclusion mechanism is playing a role in the separation mechanism but does not dominate as it does in the DA series. The beta form as in the PH series covers a very broad range of molecular sizes and, therefore, has the greatest applicability.


    Astec CHIRALDEX G-DM SUPELCO 手性氣相色譜柱 毛細管柱


    Product #Description
    77033ASTAstec? CHIRALDEX? G-DM 毛細管氣相色譜柱 L × I.D. 30m × 0.25 mm, df 0.12 μm




    上海屹利科學儀器有限公司  www.elab17。。cn   


    上海屹利科學儀器有限公司www.111122ll.com 熱門推薦:液相色譜 氣相色譜 色譜柱 分光光度計 電子天平 離心機 旋轉蒸發儀 酸度計 離子計 等實驗室儀器
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